Voices from the Streets Part 47- You’re Valuable  

Voices from the Streets Part 47- You’re Valuable  

By Nixon Dickenson In this week’s article, Voices from the Streets, I would like to share my experience visiting His Majesty’s Prison with inmates. Thanks to the Rotary Club of

By Nixon Dickenson

In this week’s article, Voices from the Streets, I would like to share my experience visiting His Majesty’s Prison with inmates. Thanks to the Rotary Club of Grand Turk, I had the profound opportunity to visit His Majesty’s Prison.

The experience was eye-opening and heartwarming as I engaged in meaningful conversations with the inmates. Guided by Mr. Taylor, who is doing remarkable work with the rehabilitation programs, I was reminded of each individual’s immense value and potential, regardless of their past.

This visit reinforced my belief in the power of second chances and the importance of fostering a growth mindset, even in the most challenging circumstances.  The core of the conversations with the inmates was that they were valuable.

I believe that if there was ever a time that these inmates needed to be reminded of their value, this was the moment. The conversation was also centred on choices and being able to change for the better. The inmates were encouraged to adopt a growth mindset to positively change their environment despite being incarcerated.

 I wanted them to understand that leadership was in each of them and that this was an opportune time for them to figure out their purpose and how they could achieve it. I shared the story of Moses, the biblical character who murdered an Egyptian and was on the run for forty years in the desert. However, when the time was right, God called Moses, restored him and used him to deliver a nation.

My purpose for sharing this story with the inmates was so they could understand that no matter what they had done in the past, if they were willing and ready to make a change, God is willing and able to restore them.  However, they had to first see themselves as valuable and worthy of forgiveness.

 The inmates were also allowed to share their perspectives. I was thrilled to listen as these young men spoke about their desire to change their lives positively. Behind the prison walls, they were educating themselves by learning different skills to own a business upon release. Many spoke of a second chance program, and I could hear hope in their voices despite their present situation.

As I listened to the inmates, I reflected that we all make mistakes in our lifetime, known and unknown, and we all desire a second chance to get it right. This is why we need to remind our young people of their value to society so they are inclined to make better choices. If we work collectively to provide opportunities for change through education, we will see a crime reduction.

As I exited the gates of His Majesty’s Prison, I felt a mix of emotions—anticipation, empathy, and a deep sense of responsibility. Meeting the inmates and hearing their stories was a humbling experience. I was struck by their openness and willingness to share their journeys, regrets, and hopes for the future.

 It was a powerful reminder that, despite our mistakes, we all have the capacity for change and growth. Listening to the inmates, I was moved by their determination to turn their lives around. Many spoke of their efforts to educate themselves and learn new skills, with dreams of starting their businesses upon release.

Their resilience and optimism were truly inspiring even in the face of adversity. It made me reflect on the importance of providing support and opportunities for those who seek redemption. This visit reinforced my belief that everyone deserves a second chance.

 We all make mistakes, but our response to those mistakes defines us. By fostering a growth mindset and reminding individuals of their inherent value, we can help them find their purpose and contribute positively to society. My time at the prison was a poignant reminder of the transformative power of compassion, education, and hope.

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