What you sow you will reap; cleanliness is next to godliness or God bless the child that has his own. These are all phrases that we can say we heard
These are all phrases that we can say we heard growing up and were certain to be found in the bible. It was not until I was much older, did I realise the principle of sowing and reaping was the only popular phrase that actually was in the bible.
As we embark on the new year, I haven’t really shared a new year’s greeting as I normally would, because the standard wishing well just seemed so dull and superficial for the times that we are in.
But I received a greeting that became the one that I happily shared. The words were, “A New Year is like a blank book, it has 12 chapters and 365 pages, and you are the author. My wish for you is that you write the most beautiful story possible for yourself.” This excites me. The truth is each day gives us an opportunity to start afresh, but the newness of a new year always seems to give that unbridled inspiration and zeal. And so, my wish is exactly that for you.
But as we take on 2024, we must take responsibility for our actions and inactions as individuals, as citizens and collectively as a people.
December was a tragic month for some families who saw the loss of young lives whether through sudden illness, accident or deliberate killing. And we have started this new year with a double shooting and one young life tragically cut short. December’s murder on the road and January’s murder in the confines of one’s own home, so far shows we are not safe anywhere, because no matter how we spin this (as I am sure we would), more lives could’ve been lost in crossfire or even by merely appearing at the wrong time.
Last year seemed a quiet year by our reactions, as we did not experience the sensationalism and dramatic events that unfolded around much of the 33 murders in 2022. But make no mistake about it, it was a bloody year and we saw another 24 persons murdered, just 9 less than the previous year.
2022 and 2023 are the deadliest years ever for these islands. But where are the voices that were so strong many years ago? Where are the voices of the leaders (and not just political)? Where is the Church? I recall they were all present before and while much was directed towards myself as Premier, the voices showed persons were aware and were prepared to engage. These past two years demonstrated to us that it cannot be business as usual and equally the collective national silence cannot work. Voices from the right quarters must speak but more importantly, do.
Ongoing works that are bound to make a difference must be fast tracked, radical enforcement to rid the streets of guns and to dismantle these illegal settlements is urgent. But while urgent enforcement is necessary, we equally need to intervene and step up in prevention and rehabilitation. The police, the government (including the governor), the citizens and key institutions like the home, schools, church, and yes, the prison are critical and need to talk to each other.
But even beyond that communities need to be engaged and young people need to be engaged at whatever stage or place we find them. We need to engage community groups and we need to get some of these young people talking; talking to trusted leaders and more importantly talking to each other.
I know of places where gang warfare was rife and the church and community organisations brought the right people together. We are too small to be defeated as we are, in the challenges we face, particularly in the area of criminal activity.
But I find that two words rob us of the proper action needed at key points in time: distraction and indifference. Only one thing in my mind has done more damage to TCI than distraction and indifference is deliberate actions whether they were meant to be destructive or just selfish with no care of consequences.
This brings me to another word seemingly hated and abused in TCI:
accountability. But I will not address this now.
We as a people are so distracted with insignificant stuff and divided by such petty differences, that big, life-altering things are happening around us and we stay in our small corners majoring in minors.
We prefer to sit behind keyboards and clack, instead of doing. Instances of corruption being shared, shanty towns and illegal developments are growing, murders creeping up, blatant and public disregard for the law be it the many cars on our roads without proper plates or heavy tints, the recording of songs that flaunt murders committed, the photo taking posing with guns and drugs, the even now increasing number of illegal businesses on our beautiful beaches that are just destroying our brand; all in broad daylight.
Some actions seem insignificant, but in the long run individually and collectively when left unchecked will create mammoth tasks that seem insurmountable and destructive.
I maintain, and will always say, that TCI has enough laws on its books to counter any problem we may face, but enforcement is our biggest problem. Public servants must be given the numbers and resources and then they must be held accountable.
Much of what has happened in this country falls at the feet of too many persons who did not and still do not appreciate the importance of their individual and collective roles as guardians of “something” or who are just indifferent and yes at times distracted.
But then there are those who are just indifferent and nothing moves them, because they don’t care enough or because for now, their world is not impacted directly. Indifference is death. When you don’t care enough to act, then your inaction is often times just as destructive as harmful deliberate actions.
But what we are seeing is a case of sowing and reaping. Much of what is happening is spiritual and much of what we face as a country, I believe with all my heart that the generation it confronts has the solution and answers.
I do not believe that God is about playing games but I strongly believe that He always gives us what we need. While we are busy disrespecting each other and not properly resolving conflicts and disputes, our children are watching and learning.
I remember writing sometime early that we taught and promoted hate on social media and were killers using keyboards as weapons while our young people’s choice was guns. They saw hate, hopelessness and despair marketed, conflicts heightened due to no desire to resolve, disrespect funneled and little to no regard for those in authority.
Yesterday, I heard officer Skippings of the Royal Bahamas Police Force give an impassionate speech at the scene of a double homicide in Nassau and I wonder who heard her: Disrespect for authorities and an indifference to what you know and see would destroy lives and countries.
While we are busy being distracted and indifferent living our selfish existence ignoring God and living rebellious to Him and His commandments, our country may continue to prosper economically but we may continue to not see the benefit to us and our youth just may not live to enjoy any of it.
Parents, your job, your selfish desires, your relationships are not more important than your children or your family. God would judge us all for this.
While we face serious challenges, TCI has been experiencing a period of strong revenues with high tourism numbers in particular. And anyone that followed me would understand why I chuckled when I saw the premier call on Turks and Caicos Islanders to be grateful, recalling for me the time I stated that we must not be ungrateful and nitpick at what’s wrong while ignoring all the things we have to be grateful to God for.
I believe grumbling and rebellion caused the Israelites to wander aimlessly, when they could have reached their destination long before. It also prevented them from seeing the country they longed for and that caused God to allow them time and time again to fall into the hands of foreign nations.
So, my final thoughts, distraction and indifference like deliberate acts, can and will destroy us. We must remember that what we sow we will reap. And then let us create an atmosphere of mutual respect and gratitude so that we can individually and collectively achieve our desired end.
* Sharlene Cartwright-Robinson is a trained attorney-at-law, former Premier of Turks and Caicos Islands and a retired politician.