Disempowerment of Our People
As this new year 2024 started, I observed the Premier and his Ministers putting out some press releases on their so-called accomplishments for the past three years. When I saw
When I saw it I laughed out loud, and then a few moments later, I felt ashamed for them. In three years, all some did was get 3 policies approved in Cabinet, for which the technocrats did all the work, as none of them were original nor new to the government.
Then other Ministers listed things that are hurting our people and our country. And another is listing a few feet of road works completed in 3 years. Talk about a grossly underperforming government. I also saw digitization, which only refers to applying for police records online. Wow, talk about not getting the job done.
Now I have to give the Premier and his Ministers for approval the Deputy Governor’s outstanding project of the Salary and Grade increases. But we all saw the real motives for why it was approved- Giving themselves $45,000 to $50,000 more in annual salaries, while the people who needed it got a $4,000 to $7,000 increase in annual, with most of the allowances being removed. No allowances were removed for the Premier and his Ministers.
I am also seeing where the Hon. Premier wants to meet with the general public at his Party’s headquarters. What is he thinking, that is not how a democratically elected leader should behave, that happens in anautocracy(dictatorship)
If he was meeting with his Party supporters yes that’s the way to go, but when it is extended to the general public, No that is not how it should be done. Those meetings should be at a government facility or a anon politically affiliated facility rented by the government for that purpose
We have to hold the premier and his government accountable for not addressing the issues facing the country.
All we are seeing is thereMarketing on the disempowerment of our people.
We are in a historic national security crisis… and all they do is hide from dealing or talking about tough issues, but when they think they want to mislead the masses to think that they are looking out for them and have done something to misdirect our people, then we see their dog and pony show.
Can anyone name one thing that the Premier has done Proactively to combat boat landings, crime, and illegal guns? In his release, he failed to mention that we ended the year on a sad note where families were devastated by the loss of loved ones to gun violence and preventable accidents. But it is radio silence on these serious crime occurrences from the Premier and the Ministers.
He failed to mention have seen a record number of illegal boat landings and illegal boat interceptions, and the country closed off the year with some reaching land.
Our citizens almost daily report seeing illegal people marching across their properties in the early hours of the morning. Some of our people have said that they have stopped going out in the morning for their wellness routine as they have been encountering aggressive persons who appear to be new illegal arrivals.
Let us look at roads, road use, and the dramatic increase in illegal jitneys and illegal vehicles…. What new roads have been done in 3 years? What major repairs? One maybe? What proactive policy to deal with illegal jitneys on the road? Not one thing.
People are still losing their homes to the bank, yes you completed the write-off of the TALCO mortgage loans, which was well deserved for some, but what about many other people who need help with securing their home ownership? Nothing as expected, because that would be developing an original plan, original policy, implementation, and execution, something that the Premier and his government have proven that they are unable to do.
The Premier and his Ministers don’t want you to talk about these real issues facing our people and our country. So, the only option they have in holding your attention is to try and flood the streets with money and take advantage of our struggling local economy and our people’s need to access additional financing.
But instead of putting sustainable systems in that would increase our peoples’ financial independence, they want you to be forever dependent on them, allowing them to remain with all the power over the people. They want to be forever the ones with the fish to give to you at their convenience but never will allow you to come up and be yourself a fisherman, able to catch as many fish as you want, independent of any government or politician.
This is not my way, nor is it my PDM way. I want you to be independent of any political, generating your own wealth, beholding to no government of the day for your survival, self-reliant, stepping out in confidence, knowing that you can provide for all you and your family needs, going and coming as you so desire.
Remember the future is nothing but possibilities, and is completely open to choice, so we must choose wisely, as Everything is Changeable.
We in the PDM are creating something new, something beautiful, something wonderful.I want to show our people how great they can become, and I want to show them the excellence that can be generated from our people and our country. We are seeking to have our people trulyempowered, giving them options and tools, with thefreedom to choose solutions not people, and in doing so,2024 and beyond will be magnificent-if you choose correctly.