Crown Land Acreage To Expand As ISU Progresses

Crown Land Acreage To Expand As ISU Progresses

The Illegal Structures Unit (ISU) in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) is making strides in reclaiming illegally occupied land, signaling an expansion of Crown Land acreage. Currently, the ISU has cleared 2.4 percent of the total area earmarked for reclamation, representing 13.15 acres out of the initial 544.46 acres identified for this purpose.

In its recent progress report, the ISU outlined its mandate to reclaim land occupied by squatters, with plans for a significant portion of the reclaimed land to be allocated to private landowners who have sought assistance in addressing encroachments on their properties. It is projected that upon completion of the reclamation efforts, approximately 11 percent of the reclaimed land will revert to the government, while 42 percent will be returned to private landowners. The remaining 45 percent is categorized as ‘mixed ownership,’ and 2 percent lacks a clear owner.

Informal settlements, predominantly concentrated in Providenciales, along with smaller clusters in Grand Turk and North Caicos, underscore the widespread issue of unauthorized structures in the TCI. These encroachments, attributed to both irregular migrants and legitimate residents breaching land regulations, have prompted the ISU to implement eviction protocols for illegally occupied Crown Land.

Under the ISU’s protocol, occupants found to be illegally occupying Crown Land are served eviction notices and given one month to vacate the premises. Reclamation procedures commence thereafter, with prompt enforcement of eviction orders to ensure compliance.

Despite progress, the ISU anticipates challenges, particularly legal contests against eviction orders following a surge in disputes in November 2023. The Crown Land Unit remains committed to addressing these challenges while ensuring fair treatment for all residents involved.

As the ISU continues its efforts to reclaim illegally occupied land, it emphasizes the importance of upholding land regulations and fostering cooperation between residents and landowners to resolve disputes and safeguard Crown Land integrity in the TCI.

  • PublishedApril 26, 2024