Political Will; Deputy Premier Reports over 700 Applications for Police Record Approved in Days

Political Will; Deputy Premier Reports over 700 Applications for Police Record Approved in Days

#TurksandCaicos, July 7th, 2023 – Residents may now be able to breathe a sigh of relief as it seems the PNP Administration has finally managed to remedy the long standing

#TurksandCaicos, July 7th, 2023 – Residents may now be able to breathe a sigh of relief as it seems the PNP Administration has finally managed to remedy the long standing issues regarding the processing time of Police Records.

While the newly minted online system is yet to be on boarded by a large swath of the population, the beta testing phase is producing favorable results with hundreds of police records having been processed in the past few days.

The report came from the Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier on Tuesday July 4.

According to Saunders, the system is holding true to its claim of a five day turnaround time.  So far, the number of successfully processed applications has surpassed 730 in just under a week, we were told in an update.

Magnetic Media was also informed that once the automated system processes an application, it is for the most part complete, only needing to be signed and then picked up by the applicant at the relevant building.

It’s a long awaited solution for residents of the Turks and Caicos who have been grappling with painstakingly long wait times for years on years, which continued even after the introduction of the first online application system.

The Government had acknowledged the faulty system described as “embarrassing” by Premier Washington Misick; the administration, led in this effort by DP Saunders, committed to finding a viable solution and is on the verge of rolling out the new procedure more widely.

The public will be able to try out the new system on August 1st.

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TCI Daily News